Comedian-turned-politician Felix Oduor, popularly known as Jalang’o, has offered advice to Bradley Barongo, also known as "The Gen Z Goliath," encouraging him to seize opportunities while his newfound popularity is still fresh. Bradley, who recently gained attention during the Gen Z protests, is currently enjoying life on the white sandy beaches of Diani.
In an interview on the Iko Nini Podcast, Jalang’o expressed his happiness for Bradley's success but stressed the importance of securing long-term contracts to ensure his future prosperity.
“Bradley, the Gen Z Goliath, was in the right place at the right time, and God’s timing allowed him to be noticed during the protests. This is a guy who was living his normal life, and now all these brands are after him. As we speak, he’s in Diani, taking his first plane ride—a big moment for him, and we’re happy,” Jalang’o shared.
However, Jalang’o urged Bradley’s management to focus on securing deals that extend beyond his current wave of popularity. He emphasized that Bradley’s brand has potential for long-term growth, and it's essential to capitalize on it.
“Right now, he’s endorsed by a car company, a barbershop, and Bata. But I hope those managing his brand can secure more sustainable contracts. We don’t want to see Bradley back on the streets. He needs to understand how big his brand is and make sure he’s making money. Any deal that comes his way, he should take,” Jalang’o added.
In a subsequent Instagram post, the Lang’ata Member of Parliament drew a comparison between Bradley and other viral sensations like Githeri Man, whose 15 seconds of fame quickly faded without yielding significant long-term benefits.
“Do you remember Githeri Man, the Uhuru Lookalike, Serkali Saidia, and many more? Take every opportunity being offered to you. People forget quickly! Sign better contracts now… Wish you well,” Jalang’o posted.
Bradley, who is currently managed by Director Trevor, has rapidly grown his social media following, with over 11,000 followers on Instagram and more than 450,000 followers on TikTok. Recently, he shared his professional rate card: