Heartbreaking video of ex-NTV journalist Kimani Mbugua's readmission at Mathare rehab

Heartbreaking video of ex-NTV journalist Kimani Mbugua's readmission at Mathare rehab
Kimani Mbugua appeared disoriented as he was being escorted back to Mathare National Teaching and Referral Hospital’s rehabilitation centre in Nairobi (Photo: Mathare National Teaching and Referral Hospital, TNX.Africa)

A heartbreaking video of former NTV journalist Kimani Mbugua has surfaced online, capturing the struggles of a once-shining star battling mental health issues.
Kimani, visibly disoriented, was being escorted back to Mathare National Teaching and Referral Hospital’s rehabilitation centre in Nairobi.

In the emotional clip shared by TNX.Africa, Kimani subtly pleads not to be readmitted, yearning instead to return to his house in Thika, where he longs to "just chill and never get out." 

The video reveals his vulnerability as he oscillates between different emotions—moments of sheer joy, flashes of anger, and overwhelming sadness.

Despite his struggles, the former TV personality displayed glimpses of his charm and wit. Spotting cameras focused on him, he joked, “I must be the most valuable player in the world right now.” 

However, his mood shifted abruptly, and he gestured for the journalists to back away before smiling and flashing the iconic rock star horns gesture.

Heartbreaking video of ex-NTV journalist Kimani Mbugua's readmission at Mathare rehab
Kimani Mbugua was accompanied by friends, including Vicker Munez, an Oga Obinna’s security team member (Photo: Vicker Munez/Instagram, TNX.Africa)

Kimani was accompanied by friends, including Vicker Munez, an Oga Obinna’s security team member, who tried to provide comfort and support. 

As they engaged in lighthearted chatter, Kimani’s emotions were still visibly conflicted. In a tender moment, he asked, “What day is it today?”

Adding to the emotional weight of the video, Kimani’s father was heard in the background, expressing hope that his son’s readmission would lead to healing. 

Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko recently voiced his disappointment, condemning Oga Obinna and Kimani’s father after they discussed Kimani’s struggles with relapse online.

During an interview on the Obinna Show, Kimani’s dad disclosed that his son had sent him a text telling him to keep off his life.

“Obinna it is painful, because since he left the rehab I’ve not seen him, hatujaonana, mimi nimeona tu ameniandikia text kubwa, paragraph, never come near me,” Kimani’s dad said in the interview before allowing Obinna to read the alleged text message.

Sonko expressed concern that such exposure might hinder Kimani’s recovery journey.

“It is important for Kimani Mbugua's father to recognise that his son is still in the process of recovery and should be treated with a lot of care; otherwise, Kimani may experience feelings of rejection and abandonment, potentially leading to detrimental actions,” Sonko stated.


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