It is already several days into the new year 2024. Some may already be executing the traditional New Year resolutions. Others may still be pondering on their resolutions, while others may just resign to their fate. Whatever your vision for 2024, it will do you some good to consider your health as part of your priorities.
But why is health a priority? You won’t achieve much in 2024 if your health takes a poor turn. You need a sound mind and body to fully execute all your plans for the year.
You can easily get carried away with strategies for your career, business, investments or whatever, and take your health for granted. That would be a grave mistake in the long run.
Take stock of your prevailing health early in the year. Then work out what steps you need to take to be healthier going forward.
If you are the healthy type, you may make the presumption that this will always be the case. But you would be wrong. If already suffering from ill health, you may just let things unfold. But you would be wrong too. Those deeming themselves healthy could get themselves even healthier, while the ill can take steps to stabilize their conditions and reclaim a healthier status.
You may have had a carefree 2023 and still managed to stay away from the doctors. Maybe you didn’t watch what you ate, drank or smoked. You may have cared less about keeping yourself physically active and weren’t bothered about your weight. Don’t bet on your luck in 2024, a carefree lifestyle just builds cumulative ill effects on your health.
You are a walking time bomb, and will eventually explode with what is referred to as cardio-metabolic diseases. But you can resolve to change your ways this year, and easily prevent heart disease, diabetes, cancers and other lifestyle-related illnesses. Update your screening tests for various diseases this year. Screening tests for cancers, heart disease and other chronic conditions have saved lives over the years. You may not have bothered with any screening tests last year.
Well, you must resolve to create more time this year to keep yourself on top of health screening. Get your doctor to guide you on which screening tests are relevant in your age group and specific to your health status. True, you can never be completely disease-proof regardless of all you do.
Your genes may fail you, or some epidemic may catch you unawares. But being proactive keeps you a step ahead. Proceed with executing all your resolutions for the New Year, and make sure your health isn’t at all ignored. The year 2024 may turn out to be your healthiest year yet. Happy New Year!
Dr Alfred Murage is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist.