The Conversation

Climate financing: Poor nations to face funding disappointment in Dubai

By The Conversation   2023-11-14 02:16:01

Delegates worry about the bank’s reputation, including the dominance of developed country donors and lack of climate-savviness in its operations. 

Why Accra's property boom hasn't solved affordable housing crisis

By The Conversation   2023-11-15 21:29:22

Housing policies promoted by international organisations such as the World Bank since the 1980s have stimulated housing markets to address this demand.

Somali pirates are back in action but a full-scale return isn't likely

By The Conversation   2023-12-18 20:38:43

Somali piracy was a major threat to the region and the world economy at its height in 2011. That year alone, Somali pirates carried out 212 attacks, costing the world economy Sh2.8 trillion.

Building new Africa cities that can cope with climate shocks

By The Conversation   2023-12-20 16:14:49

For those working on African city sustainability, the mountain to climb is particularly high. Seventy per cent of African cities have high vulnerability to climate shocks.

Want to borrow cash? Tips on what's okay, what's not

By The Conversation   2024-01-01 14:37:27

Firstly, it’s good to know what amount of debt is okay to hold. Secondly, be picky about who you borrow money from.

Sahara Desert used to be green study explains why

By The Conversation   2024-01-07 19:19:00

The Sahara acts as a gate. It controls the dispersal of species between north and sub-Saharan Africa, and in and out of the continent.

Kenyan varsities suffer scarcity of professors and what they can do

By The Conversation   2024-01-23 20:56:21

According to one 2017 study in a private university, 80% of students were taught by part-timers.

Cape Verde is the third African country to eliminate malaria

By The Conversation   2024-02-04 16:51:08

Cape Verde was on track to eliminate malaria, but in 2017 recorded its “worst malaria outbreak” since 1991 with 423 cases.

Rise of African prophets: The unchecked power of Pentecostal church leaders

By The Conversation   2024-02-10 14:59:33

Post-colonial political leaders in Africa largely view charismatic Pentecostal prophets as allies leading to leniency in dealing with allegations of rape, corruption and fraud.

How power-starved South Africans are opting to go off-grid

By The Conversation   2024-02-28 16:23:49

In 2023, there were times when households and businesses had no power for up to 11 hours a day. Eskom has warned that load shedding will be worse in 2024.

How support groups can boost your health, make chronic conditions easier to live with

By The Conversation   2024-03-03 11:58:28

For people living with chronic health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and cancer, the health system can seem impersonal and impractical.

Power-starved South Africans now go off-grid

By The Conversation   2024-03-06 22:06:46

Eskom, South Africa’s State-owned power utility, struggles to generate and supply a stable flow of electricity to meet demand.

Are you sitting too long in your office job? Study offer tips

By The Conversation   2024-03-17 18:04:20

25 per cent of adults and over 75 per cent of adolescents worldwide are not meeting the World Health Organization’s physical activity recommendations.

Why 76pc of Africa's energy will come from renewable sources

By The Conversation   2024-03-20 15:25:06

Study shows countries such as Nigeria and Zimbabwe, have enough projects in the pipeline to potentially transition away from fossil fuels by 2050.

Dyscalculia: Why so many children struggle with numbers

By The Conversation   2024-04-01 20:54:51

In fact, research shows that children with dyslexia are more than a hundred times more likely to receive a diagnosis and educational support than children with dyscalculia.

What is sugar and what would happen if I stopped eating it?

By The Conversation   2024-04-14 13:33:35

Sugar is a class of naturally occurring sweet-tasting molecules found in fruits, vegetables, plants and the milk of mammals.

East Africa's 'soda lakes' are rising, threatening their iconic flamingos

By The Conversation   2024-04-21 13:47:37

Rising water levels at many of the feeding lakes are decimating the cyanobacteria the birds have evolved to eat.

We rarely hear about averted disasters but there's a lot we can learn

By The Conversation   2024-05-05 20:14:31

The reduction in cyclone deaths in Bangladesh was thanks to a long-term education, preparedness, warning, evacuation and sheltering programme.

South African elections: How disillusioned ANC supporters might use their vote

By The Conversation   2024-05-12 11:24:03

ANC has been in power since South Africa became a democracy in 1994. The party has been electorally dominant since then, reaching a peak of 69.7 per cent of national votes in 2004.

Why you shouldn't wrap food in aluminium foil before cooking it

By The Conversation   2024-05-19 15:17:17

Cooking your food in aluminium pots or pans isn’t a bad thing, placing it in foil and putting it in the oven is problematic.