The show, directed by Nash, will be showing at the Kenya National Theatre (KNT) this month from August 15th to 25th.
Seven young Kenyan writers will share the limelight with internationally acclaimed authors who have been invited to the Macondo Literary Festival (MLF).
Unlike many community conservancies, however, Westgate has the particular advantage of bordering a national reserve.
What we may now view as cumbersome was once the height of convenience, given the technology available at the time.
Chef Mastromattei has also led a 10 days Italian Cuisine Workshop for upcoming chefs from the Kenya Utalii College.
In an interview with The Sunday Standard in 2017, the late broadcasting legend Leonard Mambo Mbotela talked about what he has learnt over the years
The late Kenyan broadcasting legend Leonard Mambo Mbotela wasn't afraid of death
The unique, if slightly embarrassing origin, of the phrase that would make Mbotela a household name
The late Leonard Mambo Mbotela kept his family life private, and few knew his wife and children, until quite recently.
In the last few years of his life, the late veteran broadcaster Leonard Mambo Mbotela spoke a lot about his legacy.