The Nairobian Reporter

Viagra and sex toys among items KRA impounded at airport

By The Nairobian Reporter   2023-11-17 14:53:06

KRA says that within a short period of time, they have intercepted 339 drones, seven guns, 18 toy guns, 11 magazines, eight handcuffs, 24 walkie-talkies, and 24 Viagra packs.

Court hands 45-year-sentence to man who killed Eldoret student

By The Nairobian Reporter   2023-12-01 05:15:15

Mustafa was found with her laptop and phone. He killed her by hitting her with a blunt object on her head, then raped her before chopping off her legs after she rejected his sexual advances.

Banker charged in US court for seeking hitman to murder kin

By The Nairobian Reporter   2023-12-19 11:58:14

Leonard Mwithiga allegedly said that he wanted to “fight evil with evil,” and he’d planned to pay Sh613,400 ($4,000) in exchange for someone killing her.

Woman seeks child upkeep from State House aide

By The Nairobian Reporter   2023-12-22 09:57:54

She says Ng’eno “is a man of great means holding one of the top government positions currently working at the State House with a monthly salary of over Ksh650,000."

Christmas: Why Jews do not celebrate it

By The Nairobian Reporter   2023-12-25 12:20:43

Jesus Christ, the legendary celeb from Nazareth, was a Jew. His birthday - never mind He was not born on December 25 - is usually marked with excessive eating and drinking.

10 types of 'Judases' in your life

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-03-29 16:38:09

Centuries ago, this was a big week for the man called Judas, who used to chill with Jesus and the Big Boys.

The 10 bedroom commandments for married couples

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-05-04 13:07:51

For those who are still kissing frogs as they wait for Prince Charming, know that when you finally say ‘I do’, there are ground rules to be observed in the bedroom.

Why a man has no business soft-parenting

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-05-13 09:35:17

But it is the disrespect that is staggering. These kids will call their parents by their first name.

10 gifts you should never buy a married man

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-05-19 10:19:20

Often, we get them things recklessly, without thinking, only to hear a week later that “Mama Junior alileta shida”.

Dirty secrets in City massage parlours

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-05-21 11:59:21

The term basically means such joints allow clients to have sex with masseuses or masseurs behind closed doors at an extra fee.

10 things men hate about hospitals

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-05-27 10:19:21

Men loath hospital and are often dragged to the sick bay over their dead bodies.

Fake orgasms: What men need to know about female pleasure

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-05-27 10:17:58

From fake moans to oral sex, women confess they can do anything to hit the G-spot.

Joint parenting? Not in age of internet

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-05-28 08:39:01

He is a proud father of one, and a second is on the way, if you still don’t believe the man is a winner.

How woman conned friend over Sh2.8m posing as lover

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-06-02 09:47:37

Two years ago, The Nairobian ran a story of how Akivembe was conned by her alleged lover, Daniel Ochieng

10 mistakes wives make against hubbies

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-06-02 12:45:42

Their drama can push men against the wall to the point of divorce.

10 smart ways to survive cold season

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-06-17 10:28:58

Being June, this is just the beginning of our local ‘winter’, and we will be shivering for a long time to come.

Fake forex fortunes giving youth wrong wealth ideas

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-06-18 15:06:02

There's a troubling trend: young people flaunting seemingly successful forex trading careers online.

Public love and secret affairs in Kenya's Parliament

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-06-19 09:32:21

Mathira MP and Murang’a Woman Rep made their love public and married formally.

10 types of Kenyan police officers

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-07-01 11:37:32

Police officers are among the most scorned and dreaded professionals in Kenya.

The life and times of JCC's Bishop Allan Kiuna

By The Nairobian Reporter   2024-07-12 10:15:03

The passing on of charismatic Jesus Celebration Church Bishop Allan Kiuna just under a year after being declared cancer-free sent shockwaves among his faithful.