Man jailed for 30 years after blinding househelp with acid for 'refusing' him

Fatuma Kaingu being helped to walk from the court by friends and relatives outside the Mombasa Law Court. ([Kelvin Karani, Standard]

When Fatuma Kaingu was approached by her friend a few years ago for a job, she did not know she was being courted into permanent blindness.

Fatuma was offered a job as a househelp in Tudor, Mombasa county

Her troubles with the friend’s brother, Mohammed Mwarandu Kombe, started with the man confessing his sexual attraction to her.

Fatuma says she declined Mohamed’s advances but her decision led to hatred, leading to her attack.

She was finalising her day’s work one evening when Mohammed came and held her by her hands as if pulling her outside the house.

And as she struggled to free herself, the attacker took out a small bottle of acid and sprayed it in her face.

“When he sprayed the liquid in my eyes, I felt a sharp pain and started shouting for help and that is when I realized that Mohammed was actually spraying me with acid. He told me that I will not see again since I had refused to give in to his advances,”Fatuma narrates.

Fatuma spoke soon after a Mombasa court sentenced Mohammed to 30 years in prison for the act. She said she knew Mohammed through her friend who he used to visit from time to time.

Mohammed was charged with causing grievous harm contrary to section 234 of the penal code. He had denied the charges.

Mombasa Senior Resident Magistrate Gladys Ollimo, in her judgment, noted that it was unfortunate that Fatuma will not be able to enjoy the sense of vision, which is one of the most important senses, for the rest of her life.

The magistrate noted that Fatuma will no longer see the beauty of the world.

“The court cannot ignore the fact that the victim lost her eyesight due to his actions.



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