Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi has sued Tatu City for defamation following unsubstantiated extortion claims.
In Ndeiya, a sleepy and dusty village in Kiambu County where I grew up, elders ensured the person responsible for the pregnancy did not walk scot-free.
Githural 45 market in Kiambu County has a capacity of about 1,200 traders. Allocation of spaces was to be done using a pre-project list of genuine traders.
The 90s and early 2000s were a unique time for love and romance, marked by challenges that seem almost unimaginable today.
One of the biggest statement and a wonder in the villages was any family that had a house girl
Dama is also an influential blogger who does not shy away from expressing her mind and thoughts.
Over 120,000 indigenous trees at Brackenhurst retreat centre in Kiambu have been linked to a rise in eco-tourism, crop production and the attraction of rare animals and birds, including pollinators.
Drama unfolded at JCM Church Bypass last Sunday when Bishop Muthee Kiengei, alias Gathungu, swiftly moved to quell and dispel rumours that he had another wife besides Joy Benson.
Back then, women didn’t make a fuss over small gifts. There were no cell phones to buy for them, no airtime or mobile data to purchase.
Massive theft by revenue officers, weak and inadequate collection systems, and evasion have been cited as eating own county’s revenue source.
Netizens witnessed a dramatic social media exchange between Gatundu North MP Njoroge Kururia and JCM Church Bishop Muthee Kiengei
More than 3000 bus drivers will benefit from employment in Germany, Stella Mokaya, the Kenyan Ambassador to Germany has said.
More than 3,000 Kenyan bus drivers will be employed in Germany, Kenyan ambassador to Germany Stella Mokaya has said.
Monied bosses of the 90s, whether intentionally or through circumstance, married their house girls as second wives, often tucking them away from the “goat wife.”
The body of Paul Magothe, 20, has been lying at PCEA Thogoto mortuary where the management insists the medical bill must be cleared first before it is released.
Public transport in the '90s was the worst experience anyone could have when moving from one place to another.
The vehicles notably Ford Anglia, Ford Cortina, Colts and some Datsun pickups masquerading as matatus were the nganyas of our time.
Men of the 90s were not comfortable walking around with a tattooed woman. It was a sign of serious moral decay...
The movies were played from tape decks and analogue TVs with some using projectors to beam the video to the audience.
Alcohol was reserved for men and for wayward, defiant, or rebellious women—those on whom society had given up.