Xn Iraki

Letter from Canada capital and its key economic hub

By XN Iraki   2023-07-01 15:28:49

I saw no big billboards that distract your driving. And no roads pass through a town. Ever driven through Ongata Rongai, Nakuru, or Eldoret? Walls on the roads keep off noise not intruders or thugs. 

Are new taxes Kenya's version of economic shock therapy?

By XN Iraki   2023-07-04 18:45:45

Could shock therapy work in Kenya? Our therapy is weaning ourselves off debt and relying more on taxes to finance our budget. Add removing fuel and energy subsidies.

Roasted maize has finally made it to the high table

By XN Iraki   2023-07-05 09:28:04

Why did it take so long for maize to get on the high table? One could be its association with low-class, read hustlers. Two is technology. Boiled maize and nduma are easy to prepare - just boil.

Tourism lessons Kenya can learn from Niagara Falls

By XN Iraki   2023-07-08 16:50:38

It is a tourist’s ultimate dream to visit Niagara Falls on the border between the US and Canada along the Niagara River

Behaviour change and tech key to taming road carnage

By XN Iraki   2023-07-10 16:01:55

It is common at Kangemi and many other regions in Kenya for traders to sell foodstuffs and merchandise by the roadside.

Let's go smaller to make better use of space

By XN Iraki   2023-07-11 14:54:41

The little space you have in a plane and the many things you can do with it. From a seat, a table for your meals, a TV Monitor, and leg space. You can buy more ‘space’ in first class.

New demos: What's the end game?

By XN Iraki   2023-07-15 18:59:16

The ghosts of 2022 and 2027 polls haunt the nation. The results of the 2022 poll left the two political contestants with enough angry followers under their command.

Rising fuel pump prices: Just set the oil market free!

By XN Iraki   2023-07-17 18:23:22

Price controls ought to reduce the price or keep it steady. It has mostly been going up. It has been suggested that it could have been worse without controls and subsidies.

One customer is enough to make or break your business

By XN Iraki   2023-07-19 04:22:05

There is an economic explanation for ignoring customers - lack of competition. We get the worst customer service where there is no competition. Police have no competitors and so are our MPs.

Why Kenya now needs to exhale

By XN Iraki   2023-07-23 13:07:14

Last year, someone won in the polls and by extension, someone failed. We have come to the point when we must exhale, both as winners and non-winners (not losers).

Demos have exposed the frailty of our economic lives

By XN Iraki   2023-07-26 07:28:34

Mandamano (demonstration) has political overtones, but the economic repercussions are too evident and touch everyone.

Why hustlers never cease to amaze me

By XN Iraki   2023-07-27 11:27:02

Carrying dogs in our cars has supplemented walking them as the newest status symbol. The other new status symbol is “point fixation,” from point five. Ask your neighbour to interpret for you.

Politics aside, let's enjoy life's cycles

By XN Iraki   2023-07-29 15:49:08

You don’t need to leave Kenya to admire and appreciate the great cycles of life. But that will not happen in the city where life is defined by social activities not seasons.

Borrowing: The paradox of debt and interest rates

By XN Iraki   2023-08-01 13:08:32

Data on debt-to-GDP ratio shows we are way below many countries, but the reality is a bit different. Credit rating agencies have downgraded our creditworthiness.

Artificial intelligence: This is why hustlers should rejoice

By XN Iraki   2023-08-02 12:34:22

Machines, mostly computers can be programmed to „learn and become intelligent“ by gathering information and data from trends and patterns based on our activities.

What's causing turmoil in the Sahel?

By XN Iraki   2023-08-05 18:30:59

West African States and their institutions have hollowed out. That’s why the coups are taking place. The military is seen as the only institution that can be trusted and make a difference.

Why Treasury should forgive our July taxes

By XN Iraki   2023-08-09 00:31:06

Forgiveness and charity are counterbalanced by envy and jealousy. We celebrate failure and instead of doing our best to uplift others we rejoice when they fail.

'Great Wall' TV and the fading of a hustler's status symbol

By XN Iraki   2023-08-09 10:33:39

That blue metal box which is slowly being edged out by suite cases had lots of “respect” at that time. Schooling was then a sure route to upward mobility.

What Naivasha's bond with nature, enguinity can teach other regions

By XN Iraki   2023-08-12 15:20:33

The region around Naivasha is dry but a lake is the lifeline. Just as we have an oasis in the desert. How come all such desolate places always have a lifeline?

Should we lose sleep over weakening Kenya shilling?

By XN Iraki   2023-08-15 18:06:13

why has the shilling weakened? There are both local and global causes. Some causes are emotional, others are real supported by fundamentals of economics.