In house doc

Why 'fertility preservation' should be part of cancer treatment

Some cancers may directly involve the reproductive system, negatively impacting the capacity to reproduce.

Injuries or deaths during demos can be avoided if protesters, police act responsibly

For starters, those leading the demos should take every precaution to minimize potential confrontations with the authorities.

Stay away from quack doctors bombarding you with cure-all remedies

They may even front products and procedures that can be useful for some purposes, but worthless in other respects.

Caught up in age-related fertility decline? Consider use of donated eggs

The consequent effect is lower spontaneous conception rates, and an increasing demand for assisted conception services.

When skipping screening makes sense for your health

Turns out that something unusual had been noticed during a habitual annual medical evaluation.

Male versus female doctors: Does it really matter in the bigger picture?

Does it really matter if the doctor is male or female in terms of your health outcomes? Some think so, others aren’t so convinced.