
Upcycle: How I convert plastic waste into trendy home decor

Steve Omondi, an artist based in Kisumu, makes aesthetic flowers, used for decorating homes and offices, using plastics.

How to apply for tax amnesty

Tax amnesty is defined as a limited-time offer by the government to a specific group of tax payers to pay a defined amount, in exchange for forgiveness of a tax liability

Plastic money: How group is making millions from waste

Our biggest challenge so far is to convince schools to adopt eco-desks and overcome resistance to change.

How squirmy red worms are turning Muturi into a tycoon

My name is George Muturi Kamau, founder of Comfort Worms and Insects that started way back in the year 2014 as Agritech Organic Farm.

Trash to cash: Entrepreneur turning fish waste to millions

How young entrepreneur turns fish waste into valuable products

How value addition built my lucrative sunflower empire

The primary form of sunflower value addition is extracting oil from sunflower seeds.

How we fought stereotypes to conquer the skies

While many young girls harbour the desire to fly, exorbitant fees keep them off the radar.


I make sweet bucks grafting mango, avocado seedlings

To satisfy the demand for grafted seedlings, James Karanja Kimani took a step to fill the gap. He is now a grafted seedling supplier not only in Kiambu, but in several parts of Kenya.

Creative preneurs renting bikes to varsity students at 60 bob per ride

They saw an opportunity after noticing that students would trek for two to three kilometres to their houses and lecture halls, instead of using boda bodas which are expensive.

Mwangi: Training others on rabbit farming pays me well

A family that keeps rabbits can easily slaughter one and get animal proteins. Keeping chickens is a common practice in Kenya. We can do the same with rabbits.

I make a fortune providing import, export consultancy

Generally, imports and exports are actually a risk business because you are dealing with someone who is not in the same jurisdiction legally and so you need to learn how to create relationships.

Forget Muliro Gardens, Shilahi is the new green lodge in town

 “It was very thoughtful to create this private place for mothers. I appreciate the fact that I am able to feed my baby without getting uncomfortable from the stares.”