We shall rise again, Juliani says after Dandora HipHop City demolition

Juliani [Facebook]

Days after the demolition of Dandora HipHop City [DHC], rapper Juliani has come out to say the vision is still alive and his team will figure out a way forward.

DHC, a brainchild of Juliani, was home to several projects that aimed at uplifting slum dwellers and nurturing talent in diverse fields.

The demolition of the building followed a presidential order issued on April 30 as the government embarked on bringing down buildings in riparian areas.

“Most of you have seen what has happened in Dandora and of course the building has been demolished but we shall rise again and we will build again. For now we just want to chill and take it in but we shall talk soon.

“Nashukuru sana for your words of encouragement. It goes a long way. We've lost the building, but the vision is still alive. DHC team is working on the way forward. The heartwarming messages from the community the space served imesaidia zaidi,” he said.

A month ago, President William Ruto ordered all those living in riparian areas to vacate, promising temporary shelter to those affected.

Speaking in Mai Mahiu following a mudslide that had claimed lives, the Head of State said living in such areas was dangerous.

Leaders oppose demolition of houses

Early this week, a section of Ukambani leaders appealed to Ruto to stop the demolition of houses on riparian land in Nairobi.

They said the exercise was causing untold suffering to poor families who have nowhere to go. 

Led by former Nairobi Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko, Machakos Deputy Governor Francis Mwangangi, Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua and his Makueni counterpart Dan Maanzo, the leaders faulted the government over demolition of structures in Gikomba market, Mathare and others informal settlements, saying the forceful evictions go against the Kenya Kwanza government promise to protect hustlers and vulnerable families.

A bulldozer brings down Dandora HipHop City on Monday, May 27, 2024.

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