
The beard trend: Why men prefer it rough

Nowadays most men love it rough (I mean the beard) and you would rather kill them first before you cut it off.

Reasons Generation X are Kenya's unsung heroes and heroines

Pitted against Gen Z who are brilliant content creators and marketers, Generation X cannot match.

Stereotypes only tell half the story, proverbs the other half

I know you have heard many stereotypes, and even confirmed some for yourself through a painful experience.

Love your balls? Don't dare smack cop in uniform

A lot of us have this feeling that we don’t need the boys in blue. Why?  They do the worst where they are needed the most.

Fifty bob for a fake fiance: My hilarious encounters with Kenyan hustlers

Kenyan hustlers can put one in a situation that would make sitcoms seem normal.

Man discovers secret wedding after casual relationship

He then decided to inform her that he wanted them to take their relationship to the next level. However, that’s when the lady started acting up.

Joint parenting? Not in age of internet

He is a proud father of one, and a second is on the way, if you still don’t believe the man is a winner.

Retain that accent, it can save you from trouble

My auntie, true to herself, prayed daily for me to be delivered from “the wilderness,” as she used to call it-until my tour of duty ended.

Things women don't care about when they reach 40s and 50s

Women having been trained to be quiet most of their lives, can become more outspoken and challenge the man to do his cleaning and prepare his food.

When Mama fua cleans and offers 'other services'

Our mothers lied to us that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, evidence indicates that big nyash is winning every day.

When you're at the brink, it takes courage to live on

No longer just another story, it held a weighty reality that I couldn’t fully grasp, as suicide has always confounded me.

Why men don't forgive cheating

Well, women easily forgive. Okay - they don’t easily do, because it is not easy to forgive a cheating partner, but society and religion expects them to.

How Obama photographer rescued tourists

The call startled David Macharia, the renowned photographer whose images of former US President Barack Obama catapulted him to national fame.

Why Kenyans have embraced 'come-we-stay' marriages

Here are 10 reasons Kenyans love come-we-stay marriages:

Top five money mistakes that keep you poor

Here are five money mistakes they tend to make, and that you need to avoid if you want your hard-earned cash to serve you well in the long term.

How to deal with entitled family members

Navigating relationships with entitled loved ones can present unique challenges that require a lot of self-control.

Is online therapy worth it?

While convenience is a significant advantage, online therapy offers more than just a time-saving alternative.

How to get over the fear of travelling

However, along with all these wishes and offers, there is one part of travel that is not fun to many – flying.

The intriguing history and controversy of April Fools' Day

A good prank involves getting away without consequences.

Tactics women use to revenge on cheating partners

This week, we look at 10 ways women revenge on cheating spouses;